Wednesday 14 January 2015

Sowerbutt's Shirts

“More shirts, you say? I need Egyptian cotton for your shirts and very hard to come by, Mr Sorbay. The ships from the Middle East are full of wounded soldiers and Egyptian wheat.” Jack Shakes shook his head. “Even if I could beg a little cloth from my hard-working neighbours, what do you do with your lovely shirts? You get blood all over them. My boys and I work all night, cutting and sewing and stitching works of art, beautiful shirts, and you splatter them in blood and gore. My better customers treasure their clothes. But you, Mr Sorbay, words fail me.” Sowerbutt burst out laughing. “Better customers, I’m your best customer. A dozen shirts every few months, trousers, jackets; I keep you in business.” Jack Shakes tut-tutted. “Does a great artist paint, so that his masterpieces are thrown away? Does an author write for his literary tomes to be torn up?”

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