Tuesday 23 April 2024

Sowerbutt's Messages

"We never had any dealings with the Italian Embassy when it was open. Too busy with their wine and women. Messages were passed through Spanish diplomats sympathetic to the cause of peace and who had contacts in Berlin."


Sowerbutt's Messages

"We never had any dealings with the Italian Embassy when it was open. Too busy with their wine and women. Messages were passed through Spanish diplomats sympathetic to the cause of peace and who had contacts in Berlin."


Sowerbutt's Letter

 A carbon-copy of the letter is contained in an acid-free archival storage box, kept under tight guard in an anonymous facility in the Home Counties, designated under the Official Secrets Act of 1989.


Sowerbutt's Letter

A carbon-copy of the letter is contained in an acid-free archival storage box, kept under tight guard in an anonymous facility in the Home Counties, designated under the Official Secrets Act of 1989.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Sowerbutt's Blow

With a single blow of the metal bar, One-Line shattered the passenger window. Mr Witherspoon turned white and clutched at the window sill. He looked as though he had suffered a heart attack.


Sowerbutt's Blow

With a single blow of the metal bar, One-Line shattered the passenger window. Mr Witherspoon turned white and clutched at the window sill. He looked as though he had suffered a heart attack.


Saturday 20 April 2024

Sowerbutt's Break-In

Tipper slipped through the shadows on the lawns of the Italianate mansion in South Kensington. He froze, waiting for a couple of armed guards to pass, then picked his way towards the marble steps leading to the imposing front entrance.
