Sunday 29 December 2013

Sowerbutt's Generosity

Tipper, a balaclava pulled over his blond crew-cut, sidled up to the edge of the steps to the Soviet Embassy. Pulling a cloth bag from his jacket, he emptied the contents on one of the steps. Two plain gold rings, two wallets with papers but minus several pound notes which were safe in Tipper’s pocket, a miniature Orthodox icon and two bloody thumbs that he had bought from the elderly undertaker at the end of High Bob for two pounds. He froze at the sound of a car door banging outside in Kensington Palace Gardens. “Society set back from a night out on the tiles,” Sowerbutt whispered to Spaghetti. “We’ll pay a visit round here soon, plenty of open windows no doubt. The owners just begging for help with storing their valuables.”

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