Friday 18 October 2013

Sowerbutt's Letter

“This is a letter to Madame Komarovski from the son of an old friend of hers from her Moscow days. He goes on about poor Papa who died at the hands of the evil Reds. Then he talks about cursing them until his dying breath. After getting that lot off his chest, he comes to the point. Could she put up for a few days a seaman friend from Lisbon who has a letter for the English government from Jerry. Just until he finds his feet and gets hold of the VIPs he is supposed to contact.”
“Brilliant, guv,” Spaghetti said. “That bit about the Reds makes it sound genuine.”
“That should be bait enough for the Reds,” Sowerbutt said. “Pop and his matchbox men can keep watch on the streets and send a message when the Russkies are coming. We’ll grab them and hold them in the old laundry near Queens Theatre, you know the one that took a couple of incendiaries."

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