Saturday, 27 October 2012

Sowerbutt's Revenge

Sowerbutt moved his knee sharply upwards again. As the groaning Spaniard slumped to the carriage floor, Sowerbutt stretched across, unlocked the carriage door and pushed hard. It slammed open with a bang as the train edged around a bend.
Sowerbutt put his weight against the carriage wall and kicked hard. Screaming, the Spaniard slid backwards out of the carriage door, his arms grabbing desperately at Sowerbutt’s leg. Bending down, he slammed his lethal right fist into Garcia’s face, the force of the blow breaking the Spaniard’s panic-stricken hold. The semi-conscious man disappeared from sight through the opening, the body slamming twice against the outside of the carriage as it fell. Echoing through the first-class carriage, a second louder scream quickly faded away as the train sped closer to the town of Newport.
“Nothing personal,” said Sowerbutt quietly. Stretching out to heave the banging carriage door closed, he could see Garcia’s body was just a smudge on the side of the track, already many yards behind.

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