Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Sowerbutt's Opportunity

Nero said: “I had a half in the Adelphi and got talking to an old bloke who’s a caretaker at Weavers Flour Mills down at the Docks.
“Fed him a few drinks once he started rabbiting on. It’s a big concrete place, six storeys, and the local Food Committee has just moved into the storage areas. The flour mill is working flat out as the supplies come in, he said. But the warehouse area has been designated an emergency supplies centre to stock enough food to feed the locals for a while if Swansea is cut off in the invasion.”
Sowerbutt grinned. “Like the sound of this, I’ll join you in a whiskey, Nero.”
“Like Aladdin’s Cave, the old geezer said, stacked full of cans, packets, bags, everything - just been delivered by army trucks. Dropped and disappeared. Bags of sugar, tinned bacon, corned beef, the lot. No controls organised yet, he said, the mill workers could just walk in and collect whatever they wanted if only they knew about it. He’s keeping quiet to stay out of trouble, he said.
“Taffy, that’s his name, was in the first war, like; said the food committee people couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery.”
“Sounds a promising business opportunity, don’t you think, Nero? We should be kind-hearted and help them out with storing the stuff. That’s one of our specialities.” Sowerbutt smiled. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Lemon-Surrender-1940-ebook/dp/B008USR7FA

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