Friday 20 September 2024

Sowerbutt's Policy

“You will get used to me, Mr Witherspoon. I treat my friends very fairly, my enemies regret their decision.” Polly smiled.

Sowerbutt's Policy

“You will get used to me, Mr Witherspoon. I treat my friends very fairly, my enemies regret their decision.” Polly smiled.

Sowerbutt's Grave

The newcomer swept the bowler off his mop of bottle-yellow hair, held it out in silent salute and bowed low as the gravediggers began shovelling the heavy soil into the grave.

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Sowerbutt's Grave

The newcomer swept the bowler off his mop of bottle-yellow hair, held it out in silent salute and bowed low as the gravediggers began shovelling the heavy soil into the grave.

Sowerbutt's File

The files former occupants were stamped Never To Be Released, placed in an acid-free archival storage box and driven under close escort some miles from Kew to a tightly-guarded storage facility, designated under the Official Secrets Act of 1989. 

Sowerbutt's File

The files former occupants were stamped Never To Be Released, placed in an acid-free archival storage box and driven under close escort some miles from Kew to a tightly-guarded storage facility, designated under the Official Secrets Act of 1989.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Sowerbutt's Messages

"We never had any dealings with the Italian Embassy when it was open. Too busy with their wine and women. Messages were passed through Spanish diplomats sympathetic to the cause of peace and who had contacts in Berlin." 

Sowerbutt's Messages

"We never had any dealings with the Italian Embassy when it was open. Too busy with their wine and women. Messages were passed through Spanish diplomats sympathetic to the cause of peace and who had contacts in Berlin."

Sowerbutt's Policy

“You will get used to me, Mr Witherspoon. I treat my friends very fairly, my enemies regret their decision.” Polly smiled.

Sowerbutt's Policy

“You will get used to me, Mr Witherspoon. I treat my friends very fairly, my enemies regret their decision.” Polly smiled.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Sowerbutt's Letter

A carbon-copy of the letter is contained in an acid-free archival storage box, kept under tight guard in an anonymous facility in the Home Counties, designated under the Official Secrets Act of 1989.

Sowerbutt's Letter

A carbon-copy of the letter is contained in an acid-free archival storage box, kept under tight guard in an anonymous facility in the Home Counties, designated under the Official Secrets Act of 1989.

Sowerbutt's Shave

He opened his razor-sharp clasp-knife and began shaving stubble from the shaking teacher’s face. “Traitors, are we? Haven’t seen you Reds do much for the war effort. Uncle Joe and Adolf kissing and cuddling together." 

Sowerbutt's Shave

He opened his razor-sharp clasp-knife and began shaving stubble from the shaking teacher’s face. “Traitors, are we? Haven’t seen you Reds do much for the war effort. Uncle Joe and Adolf kissing and cuddling together." 

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Sowerbutt's Break-In

Tipper slipped through the shadows on the manicured lawns of the Italianate mansion in South Kensington. He froze, waiting for a couple of armed guards to pass, then picked his way towards the marble steps leading to the front entrance.

Sowerbutt's Break-In

Tipper slipped through the shadows on the manicured lawns of the Italianate mansion in South Kensington. He froze, waiting for a couple of armed guards to pass, then picked his way towards the marble steps leading to the front entrance.

Sowerbutt's Title

“We don’t relish receiving correspondence from our brother. Always carping on about a title for his lady wife, if that’s the word," the King said. 

Sowerbutt's Title

“We don’t relish receiving correspondence from our brother. Always carping on about a title for his lady wife, if that’s the word," the King said.  

Sowerbutt's Envoy

"The Empire wants some sort of arrangement, we would welcome a Jerry envoy. That is our only hope to save poor London,” Churchill growled.  

Sowerbutt's Envoy

"The Empire wants some sort of arrangement, we would welcome a Jerry envoy. That is our only hope to save poor London,” Churchill growled. 

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Sowerbutt's Aircraft

In the moonlit night sky, the twin-engine Jerry aircraft could be seen circling Barton airfield, its undercarriage down and its lights flickering in the agreed recognition code.

Sowerbutt's Aircraft

In the moonlit night sky, the twin-engine Jerry aircraft could be seen circling Barton airfield, its undercarriage down and its lights flickering in the agreed recognition code.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Sowerbutt's Generosity

Franco said: "You were too generous to the scum who murdered our poor girl. I would have crucified him and left him as carrion."

Sowerbutt's Generosity

Franco said: "You were too generous to the scum who murdered our poor girl. I would have crucified him and left him as carrion."

Sowerbutt's Memories

Sowerbutt kept memories of his first wife and the pain he had inflicted on her killer locked away.

Sowerbutt's Memories

Sowerbutt kept memories of his first wife and the pain he had inflicted on her killer locked away.

Monday 2 September 2024

Sowerbutt's Grave

A curious assortment of eyes watched the coffin being lowered into the open grave at the old cemetery. 

Sowerbutt's Grave

A curious assortment of eyes watched the coffin being lowered into the open grave at the old cemetery.

Sowerbutt's Pouch

By the time the body hit the roadway with a sickening crunch, the letters and other papers secured in a calfskin pouch hanging around the parachutist’s neck had burnt to ash.

Sowerbutt's Pouch

By the time the body hit the roadway with a sickening crunch, the letters and other papers secured in a calfskin pouch hanging around the parachutist’s neck had burnt to ash.