Monday, 7 August 2023

Sowerbutt's Body

By the time the body hit the roadway with a sickening crunch, the letters and other papers secured in a calfskin pouch hanging around the parachutist’s neck had burnt to ash.

Sowerbutt's Blackout

 “Can’t see my bleeding hand in front of my face in this blackout,” the Home Guard lance-corporal said. 

Sowerbutt's Explosions

Away to the north, sirens wailed and fingers of light were stabbing the night sky. Explosion after explosion could be heard with flashes of flames and huge spirals of burning debris from the bombed buildings.  

Sowerbutt's Parachutist

A mile or two to the north of the Leather Bottle, an SS Brigadefuhrer, also dressed in Luftwaffe overalls, had landed safely in a small meadow near the River Lea.  

Sowerbutt's Air Raid

Luton, famous for its millinery and motor vehicles, suffered its first and its worst air raid on Friday, August 30, 1940. The Luftwaffe dropped 194 bombs, killing 59 people and seriously injuring 60. 

Sowerbutt's Dance

The Coach said: "I put you down for this week’s ballet session, Jimmy. Don’t be late, Madame Dragon-fire will have your hide.” 

Sowerbutt's Cigar

The tubby figure in his red velvet siren suit strode up and down the empty Cabinet Room, leaving swirls of blue cigar smoke in his trail.

Sowerbutt's Guests

Churchill growled: Jerries dropping in all over the place. First, you organise the Swansea Ferry as you have named it. Guns and paratroopers popping in for a chat. Now some high-level emissaries are coming over for afternoon tea."

Sowerbutt's Plan

Brendan Bracken said: Lifting our skirts a little may persuade the Little Corporal that we are interested in a spot of tête-à-tête rather than fisticuffs. In the confusion, he may delay the invasion for a week or two and then it will be too late for this year." 

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Sowerbutt's Title

“We don’t relish receiving correspondence from our brother. Always carping on about a title for his lady wife, if that’s the word," the King said. 

Sowerbutt's Envoy

"The Empire wants some sort of arrangement, we would welcome a Jerry envoy. That is our only hope to save poor London,” Churchill growled.

Sowerbutt's Supplies

Before Sowerbutt left the nightclub, he would check with Martin Poulson, the maitre dhotel, about how his liquor stocks were faring. He knew of several London residences with fine wine cellars whose occupants had vanished to more remote parts of the country.

Sowerbutt's Generals

Churchill sat at the large table, strewn with maps. “Do they think they outrank me? The generals believe they are a law unto themselves and not subject to the will of His Majesty’s duly-elected Government." 

Sowerbutt's Letter

A carbon-copy of the letter is contained in an acid-free archival storage box, kept under tight guard in an anonymous facility in the Home Counties, designated under the Official Secrets Act of 1989.