Saturday, 30 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Jewels

The long-retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his interview in the early 1960s with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said: "There was a rash of raids on jewellery shops in London after the war. Few had any sensible security until after the event. They were mostly very clinical - the staff were not harmed and specific items were taken. At the same time, a lot of jewellery could be bought at a reasonable price on the black market. You would deduce the insurance companies coughed up after the raids and the shops bought their jewellery back recut and reset.

"I heard a whisper once that Jimmy had one of the best cutters stashed away somewhere, outside the Smoke. He never said a word about any involvement in the jewellery trade."

Sowerbutt's Mate


One-Line had stood a good head above most of his infantry company in the British Expeditionary Force which was why, his mates claimed, the short company sergeant-major always picked on him. With the two men engaging in a final and fatal argument during the chaotic retreat to Dunkirk, One-Line decided to join the growing band of army deserters after landing at Ramsgate from a luxury motor yacht which had rescued 10 exhausted soldiers from the French beaches. No-one had witnessed the shooting, but as One-Line told Sowerbutt: The bastard Red Caps would rather hang ours than kill theirs. To cover his tracks, Sowerbutt had organised a fresh identity for his friend, complete with a medical exemption,  helped by the talented but expensive Scribe in Peckham.

Sowerbutt's Machines

The retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his interview in the early 1960s with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said: "Times were hard after the war with little money around. Britain only survived with American aid. But where there's a will, there's a way.

"Jimmy mentioned a fruit machine, one-armed bandit racket. They were popular, but scarce. Very few imports in those days, especially from the US. One of his contacts was Sidney Stanley, a Stoke Newington lad who had done well in the rackets and had a big luxury apartment in Park Lane. The Family had a few contracts with Stanley, you can imagine the sort of work. Anyway, Stanley was able to get his hands on import licences, knew a few blokes in the Government, he said, and he sold some to Jimmy. You could name your price for the fruit machines and Jimmy did.
"Stanley got into some hot water and fled the country in '49, but Jimmy kept getting hold of the import licences somehow."

Sowerbutt's Persuasion

The retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his interview in the early 1960s with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said: "As I mentioned before, lots of problems in the building game after the war; so much construction going on. Black market in everything. Often you had to spread hard-earned around to get your bricks. Then you would wait five or six months for delivery. Unless you had your own transport and who had or the coupons.
"Apart from the unions, there were the tradesman rackets. You would have to put something under the counter to get a carpentry firm on the site.
"Sowerbutt was a whirlwind. After sorting out the unions, he got his bricks okay from the London Brick Company up in Bedfordshire where he had some mates. For transport, he used his mates in the army - a lot of lads still in in '46 and '47.
"The tradesmen were funny. Sorbay and his boys would pop round to the carpentry firm. 'Get stuck in or I will get stuck in', he'd say, and slam his cosh on the counter. Nine times out of ten, they'd be round the site in minutes. Occasionally someone got clever and ended up in hospital.
"The Poplar families got housed quick smart. Houses and flats up like clockwork and roads repaired. Well ahead of some of the other places." 

Sowerbutt's Food

The retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his interview in the early 1960s with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said: "The thick snow everywhere in that terrible winter of 1947 meant that all the early veg were frozen in the ground. What with that and supplies being disrupted, food was scarce. Remember, too, the Docks were still getting back on their feet and imports were right down with the sterling crisis. People were hungry and as usual the toffs up the West End got more than their fair share.

"Jimmy had worked with the porters at Covent Garden and Smithfield for years and he organised swopping coal for food. Worked well, we did alright.
"The porters tipped Jimmy off about deliveries and there were a few lorry hijacks as they call it these days. Jimmy looked after the drivers, tying them up and gagging them so it appeared they weren't involved. He always saw them right after the hue and cry died down."

Sowerbutt's Guilt

The retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his early 1960s interview with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said: "The politicians and the papers talked about the Dunkirk spirit during those terrible winter months of 1947. Load of tosh. We just did what we could to survive. The Tabby ran a soup kitchen and some of the old people slept there for warmth.

"As Jimmy Sowerbutt said, distributing food and coal was the problem. He had food in his larders and managed to get coal dumps organised in the bomb sites. But getting the stuff to families was hard.
"Most of the factories had closed, the trolleys had stopped, schools had shut with the electricity cut off. So he got the men and young lads digging their way through the snow drifts, taking bags of food and barrows of coal to people. He managed to get a load of blankets from somewhere.
"The Tabby drew up a list of old people and they were helped out. Jimmy was very upset by the death of one of the old dears who looked after a couple of his houses. Blamed himself."

Sowerbutt's Deal

Sowerbutt had chosen a table near a side wall in the Cafe de Paris to relax for an hour or so before the journey home. He had no wish to encourage small talk with any of the pampered party set and he was always happier with a wall behind him. Waving away the house champagne which he suspected was cheap Spanish white blown with gas, he sipped a pricey glass of Old Bushmills. He was pleased with the deal he had just reached with Martin Poulson, the maitre d, swapping two cases of 1924 Chateau Latour for a large handful of notes. He smiled at the thought of their previous owner, a notorious socialite, paying an extortionate price at the club when he visited for a glass or three of his own wine. The silly bastard should have burglar-proofed his townhouse in Grosvenor Square long ago. The often-empty residence was asking to be knocked off. During his nocturnal visit, Sowerbutt had taken some notes of the wine cellar in case of further orders from his well-heeled clients.

Friday, 29 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Fun

"Sowerbutt did a lot of business during that terrible winter of 1947," the retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his early 1960s interview with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said. "He said it was hard work traipsing over to the West End on foot through the snow. No trolleys, buses, tubes or trains. The good thing was no stoppers either; they were holed up in the police stations trying to keep warm.

"Quite a few of the la-di-das had spent Christmas in warmer climes where there was plenty to eat and drink - Bahamas, south of France, Corfu. With the forecasts of terrible weather, they stayed on. Many did not get back until Easter.
"Sowerbutt and the lads helped out with storage, like. Very few of the posh houses had proper security, so Sowerbutt stored their valuable somewhere safe for them.
"He had a lot of fun when the better weather came. Some of the paintings and jewellery were returned to their owners for a fee; some were shipped to the States helping our export drive and some were sold on the open market.  You'd be surprised how many of the well-heeled would snap up a bargain, no questions asked.
"Redistribution of wealth, Sowerbutt called it."

Sowerbutt's Visit

"A visit he and the lads made to the Soviet Embassy school in Hampstead in '46 or '47 was a real caper, Sowerbutt told me," the retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his early 1960s interview with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said. "He'd had a few run-ins with the Reds during the war, so I think he enjoyed the job.

"The school was for the kids of the Embassy staff and all the Russki businessmen who flooded over after the war. He took a peterman with him, Captain Morgan, as they'd asked him to check a big safe there. Jimmy and Captain Morgan managed to open the safe without blowing it and they took all the papers. The lads searched the building and found an Aladdin's Cave behind the classrooms at the back. Black market stuff, ready to be shipped home. Spirits, cigarettes, tinned stuff - you name it. Tipper legged it to a nearby builder's yard and brought back a lorry. They loaded up and had disappeared by dawn.
"Jimmy got paid handsomely for the papers, the lorry-load was worth a fortune and the Russkis couldn't report the theft to the stoppers, could they? They all had alibis anyway and Tipper took the lorry back to the builder and squared him. A good bit of business and a punch on the nose for his old enemies."

Sowerbutt's Riots

 "Jimmy and the lads were busy over the Bank Holiday in 1947," the retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his early 1960s interview with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said. "Instead of sunning themselves down at Clacton as they had planned, they were patrolling the streets, trying to dampen down any trouble.

"There were riots against the Jews that weekend across the country, some really nasty. A couple of army sergeants had been hanged in Palestine by the Jewish extremists and that did not sit well with a lot of people. Jimmy and some of the lads went over to Whitechapel and guarded Jack Shakes' tailor's shop. Jimmy wouldn't have his friends touched. He'd guarded the shop during the Battle of Cable Street, 11 years earlier. A couple of gangs who were daubing paint everywhere gave Jimmy some lip and got a good thrashing for their pains. Nobody tried it on after that.
"Spaghetti and a couple of lads went to Grosvenor Square where Jack's cousin's girl was running a posh millinery shop, selling Polly's hats. Nobody turned up there.
"One thing Jimmy was serious about - nobody touches his Family. That was the law of the streets in the East End in those days."

Sowerbutt's Recall

 "Jimmy said he was always getting into scrapes doing odd jobs for the government," the retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his early 1960s interview with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said. "He said it was funny an East End lad helping out the toffs. It quietened down after the war with Mr Churchill and his mate, Mr Bracken, going into what they called Opposition. But Jimmy was called back to the colours towards the end of 1947.

"He didn't say much about it but an Eyetie high-up, Count Sforza, was visiting the Smoke to see the government blokes. Some place called Trieste was often in the newspapers. The blokes there wanted to go their own way or they didn't; always that sort of business after the war. The upshot was a group of these Trieste people were in the Smoke and were planning to shoot the Count. A merry old chase for Jimmy and the lads. A sniper in the building opposite his hotel, poisoned food and a bomb planted where the Count and the government people were having talks. He even met up with a lady they had worked with during the war. Funny name, Rosetta. Jimmy said you could write a book about it. But he never did, he was never strong with a pen and paper."

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Bargain

"Jimmy never took things too seriously. He always moved on if something went wrong," the retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his early 1960s interview with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said. "Like the time in January 1947 when he took a hundredweight of whalemeat for £80. Everything was short in that bitter winter, including meat. Thick snow everywhere and temperatures fell to minus 20 in Essex. The whalemeat was selling for 1/10 a pound so Jimmy thought he could double his money.

"A consignment had been landed at Tyneside and Jimmy had his hundredweight brought down to the Smoke by train - a few were still running. The government was worried about people starving in the big freeze and was pushing the whalemeat. Full of goodness and tasty, they said.
"Not what the housewives thought. Some tried it but only once. Too gamey, they said, the kids wouldn't touch it. I had a plateful at the time and it didn't feel right when you were eating it.
"Jimmy tried everything - two pounds for 2/6; tried calling it venison. He managed to sell a few pounds to some posh restaurant in the West End - God knows what they did with it.
"In the end, he gave most of it away to hospitals, old people's homes and some of the free kitchens that the churches were running."

Sowerbutt's Police

 "Not many people know that Jimmy set up his own police force," the retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his early 1960s interview with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said. "Not with uniforms or sergeants or anything. During the Blitz, he set up a security squad, headed by one of his young blokes, Missionary, to take care of any bombed out houses and keep an eye on strangers. Most of the stoppers had been called up, those remaining were the old blokes or reservists who didn't do much.

"He kept it going during the war with so many foreigners in the Smoke and then the Americans arrived.
"After the war, they started recruiting stoppers again. But they reckoned there were 20,000 deserters - or at least blokes who had left early - on the streets as well as all the young delinquents, kids without fathers.
"Stupid break-ins as well as assaults on women were the real problems and Jimmy wouldn't have his people touched.
"One gang tried it on in Jimmy's patch in '46. He had to put a couple of them in The River before they learnt their lesson and disappeared."

Sowerbutt's New year

"New Year's Eve 1947 was one to remember, Jimmy always said. He and his lot made a fortune," the retired writer for the East London Pioneer, who still has the notebook from his early 1960s interview with Jimmy Sowerbutt, said. "London, at least, was starting to recover from the war and the society set were determined to celebrate in style. Four thousand of them packed into the Chelsea Arts Ball at the Royal Albert Hall, all in fancy dress. They'd made these huge floats for the witching hour, must have cost a fortune.

"Dipper Mark II and his boys and girls were there, a few outside and one or two inside in the cloakrooms and helping at the bars. They were careful, like. Money, compromising letters, packets of white powder - stuff that wouldn't reach the stoppers' ears. Over the next few weeks, society guys and girls were paying big money to get offending items back.
"From somewhere, Jimmy got a list of who was attending the Ball. Read like a Who's Who, he said. He and the lads borrowed a lorry and went visiting. Filled it up by the end of the night - paintings, furs, jewellery, small artworks, the odd antique, even a couple of gold ingots.
"Two things tickled Jimmy and the lads. The lack of security in the posh houses and the high and mighty were happy to buy their neighbours' and friends' stuff at knockdown prices. Redistribution of wealth, he called it."

Sowerbutt's Funeral

The burial form, a typed foolscap sheet with the printed heading of Poplar Coroners Court giving details of the inquest and a cutting from the London Evening Standard reporting a fatal road accident on the East India Dock Road, together with a number of loose foolscap sheets and other material, were contained in a water-stained beige HMSO-issue file.

Sowerbutt's Orders

Churchill growled: "Archie Wavell was given a direct order to attack the Eyeties at Sidi Barrani. Sitting targets and hopeless troops, deserting by the lorry-load. How does he reply? He’s busy training his army and building up his equipment. December is his earliest date for an offensive."

Sowerbutt's Secrets

The Brigadier said: "I must ask you to keep all the events of the last few hours strictly to yourself. As a serving member of His Majesty’s Armed Forces, you are subject to all the provisions of the Official Secrets Act of 1911." 

Sowerbutt's Blade

Sowerbutt ran the needle-sharp point of the blade across the teacher’s exposed throat, leaving a thin red line in its wake.   

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Coffin

A curious assortment of eyes watched the coffin being lowered into the grave at the cemetery, a stones throw from Mile End Road in Londons East End, still flattened after the recent war. 

Sowerbutt's Whale

The pink whale sank below the waves again. Seconds ticked by, then Churchill erupted again from the soapy water, spluttering and sending water splashing over the sides of the tub onto the thick towels.  

Sowerbutt's Race

Shapiro watched goggle-eyed as Tipper lit a twist of cloth and tossed it towards a pool of paraffin not far from the sacks of fertiliser. Tipper later told Sowerbutt he was not sure who made the yard door first, he had never expected the fat little man to move so fast.

Sowerbutt's Shave

Sowerbutt slowly opened his razor-sharp clasp-knife and began shaving stubble from the shaking teacher’s face. 

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Body

By the time the parachutist's body hit the roadway with a sickening crunch, the letters and other papers secured in a calfskin pouch hanging around the dead man’s neck had burnt to ash.  

Sowerbutt's Coffin

A curious assortment of eyes watched the coffin being lowered into the grave at the cemetery, a stones throw from Mile End Road in Londons East End, still flattened after the recent war.

Sowerbutt's Message

Brendan Bracken said: “The messenger also brought a message from El Caudillo that he is prepared to fly to London to mediate an end to the war.”  

Sowerbutt's Revenge

Sowerbutt buried himself in the Mirror, reading several letters calling for reprisal air raids against Berlin. “Teach the Jerries a lesson they won’t forget,” said one. “I want 100 dead Jerries to make up for my darling Peter,” said another.

Sowerbutt's Truce

“You’ve broken the truce, Sorbay, you bastard. We’ll be after you ten-fold, we’ll sweep you Blackshirt bastards from the streets of Poplar like horse dung."   

Monday, 25 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Rules

Tipper snapped at the guard: “You can pace up and down, you can smoke, you can take a piss, but you will not leave your post.”

Sowerbutt's Hanging

Churchill said: "Franco is a tough negotiator. We offered to pay him hard currency for a couple of his Republican prisoners, experts in murder and mayhem. He had them hung instead, just to spite us.”

Sowerbutt's Generals

Churchill sat at the large table, strewn with maps. “Do they think they outrank me? The generals believe they are a law unto themselves and not subject to the will of His Majesty’s duly-elected Government."  

Sunday, 24 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Town

Luton, famous for its millinery and motor vehicles, suffered its first and its worst air raid on Friday, August 30, 1940.

Sowerbutt's Secrets

The Brigadier said: "I must ask you to keep all the events of the last few hours strictly to yourself. As a serving member of His Majesty’s Armed Forces, you are subject to all the provisions of the Official Secrets Act of 1911."   

Saturday, 23 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Punch

“You won’t get away with this, Sorbay, you bastard,” the hawk-faced man with a shock of black hair said. His right eye was already starting to close.  

Sowerbutt's Orders

Churchill growled: "Archie Wavell was given a direct order to attack the Eyeties at Sidi Barrani. Sitting targets and hopeless troops, deserting by the lorry-load. How does he reply? He’s busy training his army and building up his equipment. December is his earliest date for an offensive." 

Friday, 22 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Red Line

Sowerbutt ran the needle-sharp point of the blade across the teacher’s exposed throat, leaving a thin red line in its wake. 

Sowerbutt's Secrets

The Brigadier said: "I must ask you to keep all the events of the last few hours strictly to yourself. As a serving member of His Majesty’s Armed Forces, you are subject to all the provisions of the Official Secrets Act of 1911." 

Sowerbutt's Coffin

A curious assortment of eyes watched the coffin being lowered into the grave at the cemetery, a stones throw from Mile End Road in Londons East End, still flattened after the recent war.

Sowerbutt's Body

By the time the parachutist's body hit the roadway with a sickening crunch, the letters and other papers secured in a calfskin pouch hanging around the dead man’s neck had burnt to ash. 

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Blade

Sowerbutt ran the needle-sharp point of the blade across the teacher’s exposed throat, leaving a thin red line in its wake.

Sowerbutt's Rules

Tipper snapped at the guard: “You can pace up and down, you can smoke, you can take a piss, but you will not leave your post.” 

Sowerbutt's Message

Brendan Bracken said: “The messenger also brought a message from El Caudillo that he is prepared to fly to London to mediate an end to the war.” 

Sowerbutt's Message

Brendan Bracken said: “The messenger also brought a message from El Caudillo that he is prepared to fly to London to mediate an end to the war.” 

Sowerbutt's Body

By the time the parachutist's body hit the roadway with a sickening crunch, the letters and other papers secured in a calfskin pouch hanging around the dead man’s neck had burnt to ash. 

Sowerbutt's Coffin

A curious assortment of eyes watched the coffin being lowered into the grave at the cemetery, a stones throw from Mile End Road in Londons East End, still flattened after the recent war.

Monday, 18 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Secrets

The Brigadier said: "I must ask you to keep all the events of the last few hours strictly to yourself. As a serving member of His Majesty’s Armed Forces, you are subject to all the provisions of the Official Secrets Act of 1911."  

Sowerbutt's Red Line

Sowerbutt ran the needle-sharp point of the blade across the teacher’s exposed throat, leaving a thin red line in its wake.  

Sowerbutt's Truce

“You’ve broken the truce, Sorbay, you bastard. We’ll be after you ten-fold, we’ll sweep you Blackshirt bastards from the streets of Poplar like horse dung." 

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Orders

Churchill growled: "Archie Wavell was given a direct order to attack the Eyeties at Sidi Barrani. Sitting targets and hopeless troops, deserting by the lorry-load. How does he reply? He’s busy training his army and building up his equipment. December is his earliest date for an offensive." 

Sowerbutt's Black Eye

“You won’t get away with this, Sorbay, you bastard,” the hawk-faced man with a shock of black hair said. His right eye was already starting to close. 

Sowerbutt's Race

Shapiro watched goggle-eyed as Tipper lit a twist of cloth and tossed it towards a pool of paraffin not far from the sacks of fertiliser. Tipper later told Sowerbutt he was not sure who made the yard door first, he had never expected the fat little man to move so fast. 

Thursday, 14 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Revenge

 Sowerbutt buried himself in the Mirror, reading several letters calling for reprisal air raids against Berlin. “Teach the Jerries a lesson they won’t forget,” said one. “I want 100 dead Jerries to make up for my darling Peter,” said another.

Sowerbutt's Run

Shapiro watched goggle-eyed as Tipper lit a twist of cloth and tossed it towards a pool of paraffin not far from the sacks of fertiliser. Tipper later told Sowerbutt he was not sure who made the yard door first, he had never expected the fat little man to move so fast. 

Sowerbutt's Rules

Tipper snapped at the guard: “You can pace up and down, you can smoke, you can take a piss, but you will not leave your post.” 

Sowerbutt's Hanging

Churchill said: "Franco is a tough negotiator. We offered to pay him hard currency for a couple of his Republican prisoners, experts in murder and mayhem. He had them hung instead, just to spite us.”

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Generals

Churchill sat at the large table, strewn with maps. “Do they think they outrank me? The generals believe they are a law unto themselves and not subject to the will of His Majesty’s duly-elected Government." 

Sowerbutt's Blitz

Luton, famous for its millinery and motor vehicles, suffered its first and its worst air raid on Friday, August 30, 1940.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Secrets

The Brigadier said: "I must ask you to keep all the events of the last few hours strictly to yourself. As a serving member of His Majesty’s Armed Forces, you are subject to all the provisions of the Official Secrets Act of 1911."  

Sowerbutt's Punch

“You won’t get away with this, Sorbay, you bastard,” the hawk-faced man with a shock of black hair said. His right eye was already starting to close. 

Sowerbutt's Orders

Churchill growled: "Archie Wavell was given a direct order to attack the Eyeties at Sidi Barrani. Sitting targets and hopeless troops, deserting by the lorry-load. How does he reply? He’s busy training his army and building up his equipment. December is his earliest date for an offensive." 

Sowerbutt's Truce

“You’ve broken the truce, Sorbay, you bastard. We’ll be after you ten-fold, we’ll sweep you Blackshirt bastards from the streets of Poplar like horse dung." 

Sowerbutt's Blade

Sowerbutt ran the needle-sharp point of the blade across the teacher’s exposed throat, leaving a thin red line in its wake. 

Monday, 4 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Secrets

The Brigadier said: "I must ask you to keep all the events of the last few hours strictly to yourself. As a serving member of His Majesty’s Armed Forces, you are subject to all the provisions of the Official Secrets Act of 1911." 

Sowerbutt's Blade

Sowerbutt ran the needle-sharp point of the blade across the teacher’s exposed throat, leaving a thin red line in its wake.

Sowerbutt's Message

Brendan Bracken said: “The messenger also brought a message from El Caudillo that he is prepared to fly to London to mediate an end to the war.” 

Sowerbutt's Rules

Tipper snapped at the guard: “You can pace up and down, you can smoke, you can take a piss, but you will not leave your post.”   

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Sowerbutt's Blade

Sowerbutt ran the needle-sharp point of the blade across the teacher’s exposed throat, leaving a thin red line in its wake.  

Sowerbutt's Revenge

Sowerbutt buried himself in the Mirror, reading several letters calling for reprisal air raids against Berlin. “Teach the Jerries a lesson they won’t forget,” said one. “I want 100 dead Jerries to make up for my darling Peter,” said another.

Sowerbutt's Coffin

A curious assortment of eyes watched the coffin being lowered into the grave at the cemetery, a stones throw from Mile End Road in Londons East End, still flattened after the recent war.

Sowerbutt's Generals

Churchill sat at the large table, strewn with maps. “Do they think they outrank me? The generals believe they are a law unto themselves and not subject to the will of His Majesty’s duly-elected Government."

Sowerbutt's Body

By the time the parachutist's body hit the roadway with a sickening crunch, the letters and other papers secured in a calfskin pouch hanging around the dead man’s neck had burnt to ash.