Thursday, 31 October 2019

Sowerbutt's Offer

Does he prefer boys, darling? the slim blonde said to her companion at the party in fashionable Cromwell Road. Ive offered him absolutely everything, dont you know, but the ingrate says he is waiting for someone." 

Sowerbutt's Parachute

It was when we were out searching in the fields, the officer didnt say for what. A couple of the boys caught a rabbit, but I noticed somebody had been digging down near the river. I went back there later when it was all quiet and found a big bundle of silk. A parachute.

Sowerbutt's Beer

With all the VIPs wandering around the village, the landlord had hurriedly locked up the stables at the back of the pub where he did his brewing, fearing Customs and Excise might pay a visit too.

Sowerbutt's Silk

Sid Sirrett, the genial landlord, leant over the bar of the Leather Bottle in East Hyde. Whats all this about some silk, Alf? You being an old bachelor and all. I didnt think you were into ladies finery.

Sowerbutt's Slap

The slap could be heard outside in the bar. The angry redhead leant over the desk, her finger inches from Sowerbutts surprised face. You bastard. Were partners, so you said, you discuss things with me first." 

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Sowerbutt's Search

The Prime Minister refilled his glass. Find the Jerry, Brendan, track him to his lair and clear up the mess. Trailing our coat may save the Empire, but the risks are high."

Sowerbutt's Emissary

We are sure no Jerry or Eyetie spies remain at large. All in the bag. Must be Blackshirts who whisked the emissary away or one of the Looney Tunes right-wingers."  

Sowerbutt's Wrath

The explosion could be heard well beyond the walls of the Cabinet Room. Officials and servants nearby hurriedly found pressing tasks elsewhere, it did not pay to be a witness to the Prime Ministers wrath. 

Sowerbutt's Contacts

Churchill said: I harbour no doubts that my difficult Foreign Secretary has daily contacts with his fat favourite, the pharaoh of Rome, and maybe Jerry too." 

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Sowerbutt's Plan

Brendan Bracken said: Lifting our skirts a little may persuade the Little Corporal that we are interested in a spot of tête-à-tête rather than fisticuffs. In the confusion, he may delay the invasion for a week or two and then it will be too late for this year." 

Sowerbutt's Talks

Churchill growled: Jerries dropping in all over the place. First, you organise the Swansea Ferry as you have named it. Guns and paratroopers popping in for a chat. Now some high-level emissaries are coming over for afternoon tea."

Sowerbutt's Cigar

The tubby figure in his red velvet siren suit strode up and down the empty Cabinet Room, leaving swirls of blue cigar smoke in his trail.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

Sowerbutt's Dance

The Coach said: "I put you down for this week’s ballet session, Jimmy. Don’t be late, Madame Dragon-fire will have your hide.” 

Sowerbutt's Stick

Madame Komarovski, who had barely escaped with her life as a young girl in the disastrous celebrations for Tsar Nicholas’s coronation in 1896, whacked the boy’s rear with what she called her guidance stick.

Sowerbutt's Air Raid

Luton, famous for its millinery and motor vehicles, suffered its first and its worst air raid on Friday, August 30, 1940. The Luftwaffe dropped 194 bombs, killing 59 people and seriously injuring 60. 

Sowerbutt's Parachutist

A mile or two to the north of the Leather Bottle, an SS Brigadefuhrer, also dressed in Luftwaffe overalls, had landed safely in a small meadow near the River Lea.  

Sowerbutt's Praise

“We appreciate your dedication to duty, lance-corporal, and your bravery. Your life could have been at risk if that Jerry parachutist had been alive."  

Sowerbutt's Surprise

Holding his rifle at the ready, the lance-corporal slowly lifted a corner of the canopy with his boot. His face went white, his jaw dropping. Looking at the partly-charred remains, the parachutist no longer presented any danger. 

Sowerbutt's Explosions

Away to the north, sirens wailed and fingers of light were stabbing the night sky. Explosion after explosion could be heard with flashes of flames and huge spirals of burning debris from the bombed buildings. 

Sowerbutt's Blackout

“Can’t see my bleeding hand in front of my face in this blackout,” the Home Guard lance-corporal said.  

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Sowerbutt's Pouch

By the time the body hit the roadway with a sickening crunch, the letters and other papers secured in a calfskin pouch hanging around the parachutist’s neck had burnt to ash.

Sowerbutt's Body

The smoking body swayed in the light wind, the billowing parachute above shielding what had happened from the Heinkel 111 bomb-aimer peering through the Plexiglas several thousand feet above.

Sowerbutt's Shrapnel

The sudden white and yellow burst in the night sky was the last thing the SS Standartenführer saw; red-hot shrapnel from the 3.7-inch AA shell shredding through his chest. 

Sowerbutt's Holiday

The Brigadier said: "A long holiday abroad is the answer for you, Sorbay. Different opposition now with this Cold War. I hear the Russkies want a bit of a chat with you." 

Sowerbutt's Partnership

You are offering a partnership, Coronel? Building luxury hotels in an out-of-the-way Costa Blanca fishing village for foreign tourists?

Sowerbutt's Knife

Sowerbutt palmed his razor-sharp clasp-knife, he remembered lifting it years earlier from a girl guide during a brief encounter at Poplar Rec. 

Sowerbutt's King-Hit

The Guardia Coronel shook Sowerbutt’s hand. “You always know how to deal with the opposition. King-hit, finish.”

Friday, 18 October 2019

Sowerbutt's Kiss

Sowerbutt said: "I’ll pass the word on that the Mexicans are involved. El Caudillo’s most hated country since they gave refuge to the Republican exiles. Kiss of death.”

Sowerbutt's Land

"My cousin has had a good offer for his land, said he was Swiss. Which is what all the Swastika boys claim these days.” The overweight Guardia Coronel smiled at Sowerbutt. 

Sowerbutt's Grave

A curious assortment of eyes watched the coffin being lowered into the open grave at the old cemetery.