Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Sowerbutt's Lamppost

The length of cast-iron lamppost, which had handles welded onto it, would have tested the strength of most men. In One-Line’s hands, it was as light as a feather. With one mighty swing, he crashed it into the doors of the lock-up which flew open; the timber shattering.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks 

Sowerbutt's Champagne

Churchill growled: "What will we do for supplies of Pol Roger? The Continent is closed; our London wholesalers have run dry. Mr Sorbay is the only man who can save us.”
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Monday, 27 February 2017

Sowerbutt's Friend

Churchill’s eyes twinkled. “Mr Sorbay, I remember the name. A man who gets things done, I like him. He is held dear by His Majesty. Saving the Jewels and foiling the plot to crown brother David were a tour de force. The Reds are dangerous. Will Sorbay rid our city of these vermin, dear boy?”
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Surprise

“Report from the Radio Security Service, Prime Minister. An unexpected transmission from the Embassy last night. The men from Marx always transmit at set times on particular days. Uncle Joe likes discipline, his minions fear to deviate,” Brendan Bracken said.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Prison

“I can’t go back to prison, Mr Sorbay,” McGaskie blubbered. “Anything but prison. Those horrible men, the food and those dreadful clothes. I didn’t mean any harm.”
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Chain

A long bike chain whipped across the floor from the side door where Panda was standing. It wrapped itself round the legs of one drinker, who toppled to the floor, beer pouring everywhere. Two more followed. 
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Fight

Nobody noticed the big man coming in through the saloon door at the Hospital Tavern. Taking a door stop from his donkey jacket, he wedged the door open. Recognising several Stepney Reds, One-Line grabbed the nearest and hurled him through the open door; his glass dropping and spraying beer across the floor. Two more bodies followed in quick succession.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Shooters

“How dare you burst in here?” the tubby man who resembled Hercule Poirot shouted. “You fellow, stop that, I’ll call the police.” Sowerbutt sat on the desk and pushed the telephone towards Shapiro. “Be my guest. Looking forward to hearing you explain the restricted goods in your warehouse. That crate of shooters and the medical supplies are naughty.”
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Fist

One-Line’s fist connected with a docker’s chin, sending him flying across the room.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Shirt

Cocker's shirt had been ripped open and a long bloody line cut across his chest. Vershinin stood next to the table, a knife in his hand.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Raid

The Austin Commercial van rammed into the kerb and came to a halt outside the terraces in Bow. Vershinin leapt from the passenger seat and raced up the steps. Behind him, five thickset men followed from the back of the van. The driver kept the engine running.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Body

“Hendry Piper, your dead body, Sorbay," the Brigadier said. "Took some photographs and I went to see August Torma, at the Estonian Embassy in Queens Gate, who identified him as a small-time Tallinn crook. When the tensions with the Soviets started, Piper saw his chance. Visited the pro-Jerry businessmen and blackmailed them. The Red Army invaded and Piper handed over his victims anyway and collected a bounty."
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Sowerbutt's PoW

Jo-Jo said: “There’s 20 Italian PoWs at Puttridge Bury with more expected. The old sergeant in charge has become a good mate, he enjoys the occasional chicken. He said the plan was for the Eyeties to build the camp – a few huts and so on. WarAg stepped in with the labour shortage and got eight released for the farms. We got Pietro – worth the bottle of Old Bushmills to see Bernie’s face.”
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Bats

"The Watchers are as blind as bats. Wouldn’t spot the Crown Jewels unless they tapped them on the shoulder. Sometimes the Russian lets them see him and they start writing in their little books, other times he glides past. They have never spotted me, Mr Sorbay,” Nero said.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Eyes

“This Russian bloke, Mr Sorbay. Very difficult and he’s done his homework.  Chops and changes where he’s going. Down blind alleyways but knows about exit doors. Through shops. Up over roofs. Knows where bus stops are. A real professional. But he’s never spotted me," Nero said.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks 

Sowerbutt's Posting

"Aah, colonel, I need a company of your men in Poole immediately, reporting to me. The Haven hotel. Yes, it can be done, colonel, or you can pack immediately for your new posting in Iceland. I speak with the authority of the War Cabinet.”
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Warning

"Good morning, captain. You cannot interrupt the colonel at breakfast? I haven’t time to argue, man. Get him or you will face an immediate court-martial for obstructing the war effort," Brendan Bracken snapped.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Sowerbutt's Warning

Brendan Bracken snapped “Chief Constable? Who the devil am I interrupting your breakfast? How quickly will you be at The Haven hotel with say half-a-dozen of your officers.  An hour? No, Chief Constable. You and your men will be there in minutes.  Otherwise, you will be taking early retirement, effective this morning. This is a matter of the gravest national security.”
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Advance

Churchill growled: “The House of Mussolini crumbles, Majesty. Our Empire shock troops are rocking its foundations. We are barely across the Libyan border, hundreds of miles from Tripoli, but King Victor Emmanuel is ready to flee. We must encourage him, offer him sanctuary, hospitality. Such a departure would split the Grand Council and indeed the Italian people."

Sowerbutt's Query

He looked at the former ballet dancer: “Do you know of a man called Vershinin, You once mentioned your various associations in Moscow.” Madame Komarovski said: "I remember a disgusting little boy who worked for that foul sadist Dzerzhinsky during the bloodbath in Moscow."
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Limes

As Madame Komarovski took a seat in the brothel’s private office, Sowerbutt put a bundle onto the desk. “For you.” Frowning, she unwrapped the handkerchief. “Limes? I haven’t seen one since before the war. Where did you get them, Mr Sorbay? Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.” “No secrets in the Family. Some of the sailor lads bringing stuff over from the West Indies think they can make their fortunes with limes, pineapples and so on. They get a fair price from me.”
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Colour-Smoke-London-Sowerbutt-Novels-ebook-x/dp/B00RYR8BWG geoffreyhowe.wix.com/howebooks

Sowerbutt's Business

“Business, Nero,” Bozo said. “I’ve got two pounds of uncut sparklers. The lads have got scales if you want to check the weight.”  He nodded at two big men by the bar. “You’ve brought protection with you, Bozo? I thought we were friends,” Nero said. “Like your friends outside in the Ford, Nero,” the man beamed.