Sunday, 20 December 2015

Sowerbutt's Body

The second the bullet hit, Nero let in the clutch and the van rolled forward. One-Line jumped out the back, picked up the body and slid it inside in one smooth movement. Within seconds the van was speeding away, heading for The River. The Ghost had already vanished into the remaining shreds of morning mist.

Sowerbutt's Shot

The cottage door opened and Sal stepped out, accompanied by the blond young man. She kissed him quickly on the cheek and walked across to the farmhouse without looking back. Algernon stood admiring her swaying hips.It was the last thing he did. A single 8x57 bullet thudded into the centre of his forehead.

Sowerbutt's Oak

The Ghost blended with the great oak tree that grew on the edge of the Essex field. As a sapling, the tree had witnessed soldiers wearing redcoats marching with their muskets and building defences against a Napoleonic invasion. More recently, old men wearing Home Guard armbands had admired the tree as they took part in training exercises and manned roadblocks. They, too, were armed with muskets – the same muskets.

Sowerbutt's Bench

The Brigadier patted the park bench. “At least, we saved this, best view in the park. The vandals at Westminster Council were going to take it away for scrap - war effort. Rang the Town Clerk’s office from No 10 and shared with them that this seat was a favourite of the King’s late father as a young man and that the Palace would view its removal with displeasure. You could almost hear the poor man stand up and salute. Next day, the frame was repainted and the slats sanded and re-stained.”

Sowerbutt's View

“Look at this desecration,” the Brigadier said, pointing to a rise on one side of St James’s Lake, now scarred by two parallel trenches lined with mounds of earth. “The most beautiful spread of snowdrops and croci would herald the first signs of spring to be followed by blazes of daffs and jonquils as the weather improved."

Sowerbutt's Bedrock

Gulping his whiskey, the King said: “Frankly, we have given up on our foolish brothers. Ignore them as long as they keep quiet. But the Throne, Winston, the Throne. It is the bedrock on which our Empire is built. It must be protected at all costs. What would Papa have said?”