Friday, 28 February 2014

Sowerbutt's Hospitality

Sowerbutt poured a couple of glasses of Old Bushmills. “You are working with John, no doubt. But indulge an old friend, how did you find us? John would not have said. Left hand, right hand, he’s never even introduced his hands to each other.”
Rosetta laughed. “How do you say, I put the two and two together.  A big operation up here, plenty of drama. John, and whoever he works for, have relied on Sorbay in the past. You caught me, remember, in Wales. You caught Rosetta.”
She smiled: “Besides, village gossip said some foreigners had taken over a Kelling farm. So I came here to see if it was you, I was right.”

Sowerbutt's Pleasure

Sowerbutt grinned: “I’m pleased you shed your clothes, Rosetta, otherwise I wouldn’t have recognised you. Your disguise is very good.”
“Tsk, tsk, senor. You talk about taking off my clothes, I recall you had a lady?”
Sowerbutt kept a straight face, he suddenly had a vision of Polly hurling phone books and shoes at him.
Rosetta pressed home her advantage. “You are growing slack, senor. I walk in and you didn’t see. We are in a back pool, back water, but you should not relax. Is that not so?”

Sowerbutt's Surprise

For once, Sowerbutt was speechless. A dowdy, middle-aged woman wearing gold-rimmed glasses was standing by the table inside the farmhouse. Before his hand could stretch inside his leather jacket for his Webley, his jaw dropped further. The woman pulled off her shapeless beret, threw it on the table and shook out her long raven-coloured hair. It couldn’t be, this woman was too old. She watched him as she threw off her padded raincoat, revealing a shapely figure. It was Rosetta.

Sowerbutt's Task

“The Ghost is like a champion boxer, Sorbay. Feint, feint, feint, then when the opponent is distracted, the knock-out. You never know which of his feints is the real blow until the end. Is the Anglo-American technology clue the feint or the knock-out blow?”
“So where do we go from here, John?” Sowerbutt asked.
“We’ll start in Lutterworth, a small town in Leicestershire where we are developing this super-fast engine. We want you and your men to find him and stick to him like glue.”

Sowerbutt's Question

Tossing his cap onto the kitchen table, the slight military man rinsed his red face from a water jug in the sink. As he dried himself, he looked at Sowerbutt. “We need your help.” Sowerbutt’s mouth dropped. “Don’t tell me you’ve lost him again.”  The slight military man sighed: “As you can imagine, Sorbay, a lot of unhappy people at the end of telephone lines. The Prime Minister, himself, has asked for your assistance.”

Sowerbutt's Visitor

“Here’s a sight for sore eyes, guv.” Spaghetti glanced out of the farmhouse window. Sowerbutt picked up the Webley pistol on the table and moved across to the window.“No, it’s alright, guv. Come and have a laugh, lads, don’t miss this one.” One-Line, Missionary, Panda and Nero moved over to the windows.  As laughter broke out, Sowerbutt whispered to Spaghetti: “Trouble, he wouldn’t be here otherwise.” The red-faced man, wearing a fading Gieves suit and cap, came to a halt on his ladies’ bike and glared at the line-up outside the farmhouse, beside themselves laughing and waving. The slight military man dropped the bike, pulled off his bike clips and stalked towards the farmhouse. He snapped: “A word, Sorbay, if you can spare a moment.”

Sowerbutt's Achievement

Churchill sat back in his armchair, puffing his cigar. Clouds of smoke surrounded him. “The Ghost made us look like fools once before, Brendan. Despite all the resources available to us, a petty criminal from the East End found him, not our much-vaunted security services. May I suggest that Mr Sorbay is brought in to help our nation once again. We cannot honour a brothel-keeper, but you can reward him.”

Sowerbutt's PoW

The banging was regular, the noise coming from upstairs. McGaskie got up to see a half-conscious Cocker being dragged down the stairs by two of his ex-dockers. “Found this one upstairs, boss. One of Sorbay’s boys, duty bouncer I’d say. We jumped him,” said the burly man. “Nobody else around.” “Splendid, lads,” McGaskie giggled and danced around the battered and bruised body. “The second Sorbay boy we’ve captured. Our very own PoW.” He pulled out a long knife and tapped it on a bar table. “Shall we slice him, lads? Have a bit of fun? Watch him squeal.”

Sowerbutt's Enemy

The training stick thwacked down across the skinny teachers back. He shuddered and sighed. Beaming, McGaskie turned, his eyes squinting at the grey-haired woman struggling in the grip of two of his ex-dockers. “Just wonderful, I want more, but another time. Get rid of the bitch now. Throw her out on the street.” Madame Komarovski spat in the teacher’s face. “You stupid man. Sorbay will slice and dice you and your bits will go in The River. You interfere with his business, you are a dead man.”

Friday, 7 February 2014

Sowerbutt's Regrets

"Sorbay hurt me and tied me up. He was going to kill me," McGaskie said. "But I was too clever for him and his blockheads, I escaped. He'll regret crossing me. We'll hang him from a lamppost. Him and his Fascist lackeys."

Sowerbutt's Trip

McGaskie sat on the edge of the bed. "We've got him. I'll let his tart go if Sorbay turns tail and runs. I don't care where, across the Channel to the Fascists if they want him. Like that piece of crap, William Joyce, the cut-face sniveller. Lord Haw-Haw, the whiner. Otherwise, I'll mark her and kill her."

Sowerbutt's Loss

"We've captured Sowerbutt's tart," McGaskie said, bouncing on the bed in the Stepney Green house. "We saw them together outside his brothel. Disgusting place, exploiting the rights of the female proletariat. Some good-lookers, though."

Sowerbutt's 'Defeat'

The hawk-faced teacher bounced up and down on the bed in the house in Stepney Green, his arms outstretched. His slight companion was slumped in an armchair, his trembling hand holding a bottle of gin. "We've done it, Peregrine," McGaskie giggled. "We've won the Battle of London and defeated the Fascist filth. We killed Sowerbutt's henchman, I know we did. His body splattered everywhere where the bomb hit."

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Sowerbutt's Precautions

As a stranger in Norfolk, Sowerbutt was worried about raising suspicions. In the present war fever, people were reporting anyone suspected of being a spy or a sympathiser. In Luton the previous week, the wife of a councillor had been arrested over a cycling holiday in Germany in 1935. The magistrate was shown photographs of the then girl posing with uniformed members of the Hitler Youth. The case was dismissed.

Sowerbutt's Photograph

Sowerbutt glanced through the file and held up a small grainy photograph. Leo Gerhard, the Ghost, well, well. The silent killer. He had seen him a couple of times at Franco's headquarters in Salamanca.
He said nothing, few in England knew of Sowerbutt's activities in the Spanish war.
He sipped his whiskey. "We'll find your spy for you, Mr Bracken. Very hard for strangers to disappear without a trace."

Sowerbutt's Emotions

At the height of her outbursts, Polly often accused Sowerbutt of being a cold fish. "You don't care about me, you bastard. You don't have any emotions." His time in the Spanish war, working for Franco's Nationalists, had taught him that emotions were an expensive commodity.