Wednesday 16 October 2024

Sowerbutt's Ashes

By the time the body hit the roadway with a sickening crunch, the letters and other papers secured in a calfskin pouch hanging around the parachutist’s neck had burnt to ash. 

Sowerbutt's Ashes

By the time the body hit the roadway with a sickening crunch, the letters and other papers secured in a calfskin pouch hanging around the parachutist’s neck had burnt to ash.

Sowerbutt's Surprise

Holding his rifle at the ready, the lance-corporal slowly lifted a corner of the canopy with his boot. His face went white, his jaw dropping. Looking at the partly-charred remains, the parachutist no longer presented any danger. 

Sowerbutt's Surprise

Holding his rifle at the ready, the lance-corporal slowly lifted a corner of the canopy with his boot. His face went white, his jaw dropping. Looking at the partly-charred remains, the parachutist no longer presented any danger. 

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Sowerbutt's Grave

  A curious assortment of eyes watched the coffin being lowered into the newly-dug grave at the old cemetery.  

Sowerbutt's Grave

 A curious assortment of eyes watched the coffin being lowered into the newly-dug grave at the old cemetery.  

Sowerbutt's Steak

“Don’t you tell me what to do, you little pipsqueak,” snapped the woman. “I’m a food inspector and this woman here was going to sell me a quarter of chuck steak without a ration coupon. She’s going up before the magistrate."